Archive for the 'Power’ Category

Слишком много веселья

По-моему, все кто хотел пострелять уже настрелялся. Пора заканчивать.
Катастроф хватит всем :)

51 день, 12 of the year (Discoveries)

Свобода богаче страха и дороже жизни

Защищайте своих друзей.

Большие Выборы в Маленькой Стране (Обновлено 22.05.2022)

Мы вольные птицы; пора, brother, пора!
Туда, где за тучей белеет гора,
Туда, где синеют морские края,
Туда, где гуляем лишь ветер… да я!…”

А.С. Pushkin.

В одной не крупной стране произошли выборы на пост Президента, в которых победила Тихановская С.Г. 1982 года рождения по Григорианскому календарю. С преобладающим количеством голосов в 64%. Поздравляем с победой! Страна ожидает света и исполнения обещаний.

Действующий президент занял почётное второе место. Беларусь благодарит вас за службу и желает приятной пенсии. Ваши технологии уже не актуальны лет пятнадцать как. Пора бы и честь знать.

Результаты Выборов

В случае нежелания действующей власти передать полномочиявнешний долг данного государства перед Бесконечным Космосом будет увеличен на 300 триллионов долларов США. А долг государств оказавших поддержку в фальсификации данных и удержании власти будет увеличен на 700 триллионов долларов США. Государствам оказавшим помощь в урегулировании конфликта интересов будет списано по 10 триллионов долларов США. Да и вообще будет много всего хорошего когда все наладится.

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Космическая красотаYou dream of freedom?
What do you think about it?
Pasha to death in the garden
(at work, at the factory)
Until you direct
Economy “Pigs”.

In large spaces, high-degree of freedoms behavior, There is a temptation to cheat Nature, and, squeezing the best out of all available Spaces, reset “products of own life” the owners of larger Read more

The KGB and mating

Солнце отвернулосьThis will not even in the movies:
You're in power and you …

In small countries with a population of, usually, up to 20 million, the secret services have special status. Because they face no one knows, They magically, incredible, elusive and always Read more

Satan's in the community

Освещение руинAnd Cosmos knows exactly, who wholeheartedly Loves.
Who does the Cosmos Likes death before shaking.

On the planets death United terrorist groups are secretive war with the population. That's why sometimes free the planet from terrorism, that is like a Power, but reasonable people call a potential threat to Read more

Assistance to States.

Space will assist in the development of the countries, the brilliant and talented personality will come to power, instead of crooks and insolvent “Kings”. Subject to the, that power will obey them.

Because. in some countries, the situation is not adequately – you need to give a specific example: in a modern setting Klitschko would be a good “King” for Ukraine, But if you see somebody more brilliant – to the right of the Board without undue “attractions”, because. This is the life “biological organisms”. The genius of this is such “Hickey”, you need it to support instantly – otherwise nothing will. To resolve the situation have something to do – write private message to find out more.

If the situation is left as is – It may result in cannibalism, and suffer, in the first place, those, who is especially aggressive.

The revolutionaries had warned a few years ago, during the action pereroždennye will definitely catch the Zetas “reins”. And here's an example…


Политика серьёзноDo you dream to be you “King”.
And in the sky the stars.
Hover over the Earth with a whistle
Space “nails”.

On the planets Death over Time could be the power, carrier of the threat to the very existence of the planet. Read more

Private Property

Космос Частная СобственностьLooking at the Ways of our Mlechnost,
Eternal Space Infinity.

On the planets of the death of private property is any structure, by the time someone a set. And especially mentally ill dare to express, they belong to the country, not only sea and continents, rise and formation of which they have no relationship at all, and even remotely do not represent yourself as all that create. …▲ Open Space the magnificence of ◊…


Suicide- Typically forget you taki are poor?
- TAMU reached durny.
- While you typically forget taki durny?
- Tama that are poor.

(Belarusian folk wisdom)
$$$ Foundation investment of the gods. $$$ Read on

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