Posts Tagged 'One God’

Universe. The Right Of Free Will. The Right To Freedom Of Choice.

Космос. Вселенная. Фиолетовый. Синий.

You razmahivaeš′ the bow of Orange,
Green, yellow or red banner.
And I burn, in all spaces of radiating,
The Purple the blue flame…

Have The Right Of Free Will ✪ ✪ Love Space read more.

Why Love?

During the analysis, many may wonder: "Why LoveThere is a God for our consciousness?». Precisely because the, that God – It's to the point where "cool" and infinitely on all levels and directions, separately and together, that no ✫ Endless Love ✫

The Gods. All were right

The Gods live in The Divine World. God represents the highest level of development Creatures, and is a very The Essence Of The This Creatures.

I.e.. take, for example, River. Each river has its own Spirit. All Creatures, the combined concept of river- God rivers. I.e.. itself The essence of the River-God of rivers. Same thing with any other The Substance Of The.

One GodThe Essence Of God. I.e.. each separately Like An Endless Space…

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One God